PA Conservation Seed (PA Bird, Bee, and Butterfly Garden (500 sq ft))
Bring them in with this flower heavy seed blend designed with PA habitats in mind
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Category: Conservation Mixes, Landscaping, Pennsylvania Conservation Mixes, Pollinator, Seed MixesAdd to Wishlist
Type: Mix - Seed
Pennsylvania Conservation Seed
PA Bird, Bee, and Butterfly Garden (500 sq ft)
% seed psf | Botanical Name | Common Name |
3.47% | Sorghastrum nutans | Indian grass |
2.89% | Andropogon gerardii | Big bluestem |
6.51% | Schizachyrium scoparium | Little bluestem |
0.11% | Baptisia australis v minor | Blue indigo |
1.59% | Zizia aurea | Golden alexanders |
0.00% | Oligoneuron ohioense | Ohio goldenrod |
28.20% | Penstemon digitalis | Beardtongue |
2.75% | Aquilegia canadensis | Wild columbine |
4.30% | Echinacea purpurea | Broad-leaved purple coneflower |
5.06% | Monarda fistulosa | Wild bergamot |
6.65% | Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan |
0.98% | Chamaecrista fasciculata | Partridge pea |
0.19% | Silphium perfoliatum | Cup plant |
21.87% | Pycnanthemum tenuifolium | Slender mountain mint |
12.73% | Pycnanthemum virginianum | Virginia mountain mint |
0.80% | Liatris spicata | Marsh blazing star |
1.91% | Symphyotrichum novae-angliae | New England aster |
Average price for 500 sq ft: $15
For orders greater than 5 acres, contact us for discount pricing.
NRCS recommneds seeding at 11 lbs / ac
Bring them in with this flower heavy seed blend designed with PA habitats in mind.
Mix may vary due to availability; substitutions will be made based on ecological function.
Prices vary based on genotypic (origin) requirements.
Species may be adjusted for regional appropriateness.
More Details
Mid Atlantic, Great Lakes -
4-5' -
Bloom Period
Early-Middle-Late -
Mesic, Dry -
Shade Tolerant
Yes -
Yes -
Do they attact Birds or Butterflies
Yes -
Appropriate for Rain Garden, Swale and Basin
Yes -
Salt Tolerant
Yes -
Walnut Tree Compatible
Yes -
Appropriate for Erosion Control